Compensation Claims

Costly to Collect, Time Consuming, and Labor Intensive

Our workers’ compensation division is an advanced healthcare processing company with 30+ years of experience processing worker’s compensation claims. The division has attained high rates of reimbursement and accelerated cash flow for providers nationwide.

These accounts usually include the involvement of multiple parties — including the carrier, employer, patient, the patient’s attorney, and the state/federal agency. Navigating and negotiating with all parties involved requires frequent contact and can sometimes place extraordinary demands on staff.

Carriers typically require extensive details surrounding the employee’s injury and subsequent treatment prior to processing the claim for payment. Let Sunbelt RCM facilitate this often challenging financial class and ensure timeframes are not missed.

Workers’ Compensation Legal Concepts Vary by State

Whether your state utilizes a fee schedule or usual and customary discounts, Sunbelt RCM has the expertise to recover top dollar resolution quickly and efficiently. Some states have very short timeframes to ensure that an injury is reported plus separate time frames to file the claim.  For such a regulated line of business, using the attorney experts can help save you time, money, and problems.

Should a claim fall under federal jurisdiction – Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA), Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA), Federal Black Lung Program, Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICPA) – no worries! We’re equipped to help with that too.

Let us Help

Sunbelt RCM attorneys are well versed in both federal regulations as well as specific state insurance laws and regulations governing healthcare reimbursement in all states.

We are experts at contract interpretation and calculating proper levels of healthcare reimbursement.